Jonathan Apasu

Jonathan Apasu

Level 0

Doctor, start-up founder, and advocate for holistic health. At Adon Health, I focus on advancing men’s health through innovative, evidence-based approaches to support longevity and performance. Health and sports are central to my life, from playing basketball at highest levels in the past, to practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and strength training. I combine medicine, entrepreneurship, and athletic values to inspire men to optimize their health.

Jonathan Apasu
Level 0 · 1 Reviews
Umfassender Gesundheitscheck
Founder · 1 month ago
- Super easy to do from home.
- Nearly 30 parameters incl. Cystatin C for kidney health, extensive hormone profile, blood lipids, HbA1c etc.
Additional parameters could be added in future
Optimizing health and performance by regularly checking my blood values
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