Ricardo Ferrer Rivero

Ricardo Ferrer Rivero

Level 1

Co-founder MANA (DACH-Region)

Gadgets & Equipment

Wearables & Trackers

My Routines

-Wake up at 5:30am
-Drink 750ml warm Water
- Vitamin D3, K2, B12, B2, Creatine, BCAA, L-carnitin
-10 min Meditation inkl. Red light and near infrared therapy
-60min mix of: HITT, Core, Functional Strength with Dumbbells, and Yoga
-500ml plant-based protein shake
-500ml Green+Mint Tea
-Breakfast at after 11am

-Last meal before 6pm (low-carb)
-8:30pm put on blue light blocking glasses
-500ml herbal tea (camomile, valerian, lavender)
-Magnesium, Zinc, BCAA, Creatine
-Turn on air purifier